Happy Hens

Helping hens be happy

Rescuing Two New Ex Battery Hens

on November 27, 2017

On Sunday we rescued two Ex Battery Hens. The person we got them off was Maddie. To get more hens we still have to upgrade the hen house. I check on theĀ Brisbane City Council and I am legally allowed 20 chickens max. The hens cost 10 dollars each because Reds Rescues has to pay the egg company. Because Reds Rescues gets a lot of chickens (80) from the company, they need people like Happy Hens (me) to bring them back to a forever home. The one I’m holding is called Rey (Off Star wars The Force Awakens) and the one my brother is holding is Princess Leia (Off Star wars). Did you know that International Chickens Day is on the same day as International Star Wars Day! May The 4th…. I showed them how to eat and drink, when it was time for bed we put the new hens on the perch. Rey was right next to Caramel and wanted to fight so she could be at the top of the pecking order…. So we put Rey and Caramel at different ends of the perch. Rey wanted to get to Caramel so much she stepped over all the chickens not caring where she put her feet….

Maddie, Rey and Princess Leia

Star Wars Rey And Princess Leia

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